Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Day 2 in Mississippi

OK, I am no craftsman, but I am pretty happy with how this shed is turning out. I had my doubts - with 2 14-year olds and 1 12-year old, but I have to say that they are stepping up to the challenge. I actually pictured myself getting really annoyed and frustrated with them, but I decided early on to not set expectations too high and not push them too hard.

Here is how I feel after day 2:
  • Exausted - It was very hot and humid today and that really sucks the life out of you.
  • I have blisters and splinters in my hands, so it is a little painful to type
  • My legs are achey and my 44-year old body is asking me, "What the heck are you doing to me? I'm not used to this.
  • Happy - the little lady we are doing this for is bubbling with gratitude every time she talks to us.
  • Proud - my kids have done OK. They have not really complained much at all and have (for the most part) worked whenever asked. It is far better than it could have been.
I asked my son if he was glad that we came (this is the boy who would play Runescape for weeks nonstop if allowed), and he said, "I don't want to be doing it while I am doing it because it is hard. But afterward, I am glad I did it." That is about as good as I could ask for.

The church we are doing this through is called Lagniappe Presbyterian Church, their website can be found here. We are doing something called "Sheds of Hope," where we build a shed for someone living in a trailer so they have places to put things. There are about 300 people here this week and they are very nice. Some people are gutting houses and drywalling, others are doing clean-up duty in people's yards. In all, they are doing a good work.
Above is a picture of the carport at the house where we are building our shed. Note the dirt on the top of the carport - that is the water line due to the flooding from the storm surge.
This is an ironic picture - they lost their roof.

All in all, I recommend this kind of thing. We spend a lot of our life believing our own worlds are real, but there is a lot of suffering in the world that we can do something about. It is much better than a trip to Myrtle Beach.